Tab Ad 1965


Tab Ad from May 14, 1965 Life magazine.

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Tab Ad 1965Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that is for Tab Soft Drink. This is a very unique ad, showing a very well-dressed man sitting in a very good chair with a half-empty bottle of Tab on a platter with grapes and, I think, carrots. He is drinking Tab from somewhat of a better glass than I would have expected him to be. The ad headline claims that “At least, Tab a 1 calorie soft drink with flavor: Robust flavor”. Along the bottom of this ad it claims that “There’s no big secret to taking the calories out of a soft drink. People have been doing it for years. But it took The Coca-Cola Company to find a way to put robust flavor in. And it took until now. Until Tab.

Source:  May 14, 1965 Life magazine.