Friskies Mix Dog Food Ad 1962


Friskies Mix Dog Food Ad from December 15, 1961, January 26, 1962, October 26, 1962 & December 7, 1962 Life magazines.

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Friskies Mix Dog Food Ad 1962Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their new Friskies Mix Dog Food. The ad has a photo of a young girl, smiling as she works on preparing a bowl of this food with a wooden spoon. With just a hint of patience, a large dog stands next to her, his nose to her cheek, as he waits with expectation for his food. The ad headline says “Now! A dry dog food designed for Faster, Easier Mixing!” and a piece of this food is being held between the thumb and forefinger of a feminine hand.

Sources: December 15, 1961, January 26, 1962, October 26, 1962 & December 7, 1962 Life magazines.