Tareyton Ad 1968


Tareyton Ad from June 14, 1968 Life magazine.

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Tareyton Ad 1968Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that wants you to know just how good the filter is on Tareyton‘s cigarettes. The photo in the ad is unusual, a male is shown holding a cigarette and he is holding a Tareyton filter to the base of it. As he is pinching the filter and cigarette together, he has tied a string around his fingers and the two halves of the cigarette to try and hold it together. The headline, before the picture, says that “You could put Tareyton‘s charcoal filter on your cigarette, you’d have a better cigarette” and after the picture it reminds us, “But not as good as a Tareyton. At the bottom of the ad there is a picture of a man sheepishly standing there with a Tareyton cigarette in his hand and a shiner under his left eye saying “That’s why us Tareyton smoker would rather fight than switch”.

Source:  June 14, 1968 Life magazine.