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Green Giant Ad 1956 December


Green Giant Ad from December 17, 1956 Life magazine.


Green Giant Ad 1956 DecemberFull color 9 3/4″ x 14″ ad that is for Green Giant Great Big Tender Sweet Peas. At the top of the ad there is a picture of a can of Green Giant Sweet Peas opened up with Cupid next to it shooting an arrow toward the Green Giant Sweet Peas that the woman in the next drawing is serving her husband. The ad says that “One date and you’ll “go steady” with the Green Giant flavor”. It then says that “It’s a tender moment when you meet these sweet young things. The peas with the Green Giant label. Pampered darlings of the pea world. You should see the loving care they get! We plant the choicest seed in specially conditioned soil. Measure the sunshine and rainfall they get. Do just about everything but tuck them in at night. Then we pick and pack them at the fleeting moment of perfect flavor. The Green Giant flavor. How about a rendezvous? This very day”.

Source:  December 17, 1956 Life magazine.