Ford Ad April 1956


Ford Ad from April 30, 1956 Life magazine.

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Ford Ad April 1956Ford V-8’s – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad with information about the benefits of having a Ford V-8 engine. We see two drawings of a Red and White Ford on a two-lane road and in the first picture it is finally able to pull out from being stuck behind a large yellow truck. The headline says that you can “Call out the reserves with a touch of your toe!” and the second picture shows the Ford cruising safely past the truck and pulling back into its lane. The text talks about the two V-8 engines available, the Thunderbird Special 225-hp and the standard Thunderbird 202-hp and reminds you that they still have their six-cylinder engine too. Mention is made of the Thunderbird Styling and the Lifeguard Design that goes into all Ford products.

Source:  April 30, 1956 Life magazine.