AC Oil Filter Ad 1964


AC Oil Filter Ad from April 3, 1964 Life magazine.

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AC Oil Filter Ad 1964Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad that tells you to “Get better performance, longer engine life…install the AC Oil Filter engineered for your car”. There are four pictures that are filled with information about how and why, and they all include the AC Oil Drop. The first picture tells you that“Different size cars take different size engines” which is something good to know. The second picture says that “Different size engines take different size filters” which is good to know. The third picture claims that “An AC Oil Filter removes dirt too small to see” which is good to know. And the fourth picture tells you“For the proper protection for your car, ask for an AC Oil Filter that’s tailored to your engine’s filtering needs”. With all the information we have been given, I think that is a good idea.

Source:  April 3, 1964 Life magazine.