Goodyear Tires Ad 1964


Goodyear Tires Ad from July 1964 Playboy.

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Goodyear Tires Ad 1964Black and white 7 1/4″ x 10 1/2″ ad for what you can expect if you use Goodyear tires on you car. The ad has a blurred picture of a race car driving next to a guard rail under the headline “Foyt goes 200.4 MPH on Goodyear tires”. The text talks about A.J. testing tires the previous year on the Goodyear test track in Texas and managing to set a closed course record. The ad text further explains that the secret is the addition of Tufsyn but it does not claim that this ingredient is added to passenger car tires.

Source:  July 1964 Playboy.