National Life Insurance Company Ad 1940


National Life Insurance Company Ad from May 20, 1940 Life magazine.

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National Life Insurance Company Ad 1940Black and white 5 1/4″ x 13″ ad that is for the National Life Insurance Company – Vermont. This ad has an old-time photograph that says “Protecting The American Home” and shows a boy standing guard with a rifle while two sisters lie huddled in bed. The photo text says that “The first permanent settler in Montpelier, Vermont, was Col. Jacob Davis who built a log cabin there in 1787. During the following winter, three of his children, a boy, fifteen, with two younger sisters, were marooned in the cabin for three months while their father was snowbound in Brookfield. Upon his return in the spring the children were found well and unharmed”. Then, the question is asked in the headline, “Have you thought about Wife Insurance?“Every mother dreads to think what might happen to her children should she die before her husband. Will the children receive proper care? Will they get the education they should? Will the home be kept together at least until the children are grown? More and more women who have dependents are seeing to it that they have life insurance on their own lives. Thirty years ago few women bought life insurance. Today, one out of every four policies of ordinary life insurance is owned by women. Wives please note: Many a home could have been prevented from breaking up and the children sent to live with relatives – or elsewhere – had the wife insisted that her husband insure her life as well as his own. For more detailed information, fill in the coupon below and mail to us”.

Source:  May 20, 1940 Life magazine.