Kodak Camera Ad 1953


Kodak Camera Ad from June 1, 1953 Life magazine.

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Kodak Camera Ad 1953Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for the 65th Anniversary Show of Kodak snapshot cameras. An interesting ad with the text talking about how “Today’s Kodak cameras are ‘luxury’ cameras at down-to-earth prices…built with the knowledge gained through 65 years of giving people more and more picture-making pleasure for the least money. Finer lenses and shutters give crisper, cleaner snapshots. Simple, easy-working controls mean years and years of trouble-free snapshot fun. Dollar for dollar…feature for feature…you’re buying the best…when you buy a camera marked ‘Kodak’ or ‘Brownie’. There are four different cameras pictured in this ad, along with information and prices. They show the Brownie Hawkeye Camera for $7.50, the Kodak Duaflex II Camera for $14.50, the Kodak Pony 135 Camera for $35.75 and the Kodak Tourist II Camera for $26.25.

Source:  June 1, 1953 Life magazine.