Tareyton Ad August 1959


Tareyton Ad from August 31, 1959 Life magazine.

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Tareyton Ad August 1959Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad for Tareyton Dual Filter Cigarettes. At the top of this ad it shows a man and a woman pausing from their day of swimming as the man, with a set of goggles pulled up on his head, is lighting the Tareyton cigarette for his lady-friend, as the ad says to “Get the real thing in mildness…in fine tobacco taste! Tareyton’s remarkable Dual Filter delivers more than just high filtration. It brings out the best in fine tobacco tase – as no single filter can!. The ad then shows a faraway picture of the previous scene of the man lighting the cigarette for the woman. This picture is taken through the hand holding a lit Tarayton cigarette and the picture says that “The Tareyton Ring Marks The Real Thing!” as it ends right at the ring around the Dual Filter on the cigarette. There is a box in the lower right-hand corner that says “Here’s Why Tareyton’s Dual-Filter filters as no single filter can! 1. It combines an efficient pure white outer filter…2. with a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL…which has been definitely proved to make the smoke of a cigarette milder and smoother”.

Source:  August 31, 1959 Life magazine.