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Wonder Ad 1968


Wonder Ad from January 1, 1968 Life magazine.

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Wonder Ad 1968Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their products that will “Make the most of their ‘Wonder Years'”, We see a picture of a child gleefully swinging on a rope swing with the setting sun bright in the distance and the picture of a loaf of their Wonder Bread talks about the importance of getting the proper nutrition from years one through twelve. The bottom portion of the ad is devoted to the product that you will have little problem feeding your child: Hostess Fruit Pies. They are claimed to have “more fruit filling than crust” and, next to a picture of a child devouring one, we see a display that shows the number of different flavors that were offered.

Source:  January 1, 1968 Life magazine.