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Winston Ad 1964 August


Winston Ad from August 21, 1964 Life magazine.


Winston Ad 1964 AugustFull color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Winston Filter Cigarettes. This is an ad that has a Five-frame Cartoon about Fishing. In the first frame we see a couple standing in knee-high water, fishing away. In the second frame, the man has hooked something and he is working away to pull it in while the woman is watching. In the third frame, the man has retreived his catch, a woman’s shoe, and the woman is pulling on her treasure. In frame number four, the two of them are standing there, holding up their catches, the man has caught a woman’s shoe and the woman has caught a boot. In picture number five, the lady is sitting on a boulder as they both talk while enjoying Winston Cigarettes. The five frames all go-around a picture of a pack of Winston Cigarettes sitting on top of a box of fishing leaders with a heading that says that “Flavor that goes with fun…”. Below this is a picture of a Winston cigarette with the words “Modern filter here” pointing towards the end with the filter and the words “Filter-Blend up front” pointing towards the other end.

Source:  August 21, 1964 Life magazine.