White Horse Scotch Whiskey Ad 1961


White Horse Scotch Whiskey Ad from March 1961 Holiday.

1 in stock


Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad with the phrase that “Hospitality began with White Horse {of course}”. There is an old picture, two centuries old, of a man dressed in fine clothes signing in at the Edinburgh’s White Horse Cellar, the famous coaching Inn. The innkeeper, clad in red pajamas, is holding a candle in the office to provide light so the man can see the page he is trying to sign. In front of the book he is trying to sign is a bottle of this deluxe Scotch drink and a partially-filled glass which may explain why the innkeeper has the smile on his face. We are informed that “every bottle of White Horse is numbered and registered at our distilleries, thus AB 147603.”

Source:  March 1961 Holiday.