Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad 1950


Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad from May 22, 1950 Life magazine.

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Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad 1950Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their New Frost-Free Refrigerators. The ad has a picture of a lady who is showing her new Westinghouse to a group of children who have come over for a party. She has opened the refrigerator door and is holding the freezer door down so they can see, “It’s Frost-Free”. There are smaller pictures that show that the “Ice Cream Test tells Story”, illustrate the “Giant Freeze Chest” and the “Twin Humidrawers”. The text mentions that the “Prices start at $189.95”.

Source:  May 22, 1950 Life magazine.