Westinghouse Laundromat Ad 1951 October


Westinghouse Laundromat Ad from October 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.

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Westinghouse Laundromat Ad 1951 OctoberFull color 10″ x 13″ ad for their matching Laundromat and Clothes Dryer. There is a picture of twin girls in matching dresses holding a red ribbon with a First for Quality sign in the middle across the front of a Laundromat and Clothes Dryer. The headline calls them “America’s Favorite Twins” and assures us that “…of course, it’s electric!”. There are smaller pictures that talk about features like “Weighs your clothes to save your money”, that it has “Washaway-Rinseaway action” and for the Clothes Dryer it shows the “Automatic Dry-Dial”. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  October 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.