Westinghouse Ad 1946


Westinghouse Ad from November 18, 1946 Life magazine.

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Westinghouse Ad 1946Black and white 10″ x 14″ ad for their Record Player/ Radio combination they called the Westinghouse Duo. The ad has several pictures of it in use including one where a smiling lady is lifting the radio portion out and another where she has set this portion next to her bed and is listening to it as she lies in bed. The ad headline claims that “It’s an Automatic Radio Phonograph with a Slide Out Carry About Radio” and, as a sign of the times, the ad assures you that it’s “not a warmed-over prewar model”. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  November 18, 1946 Life magazine.