Western Electric Ad November 1962


Western Electric Ad from November 23, 1962 Life magazine.

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Western Electric Ad November 1962Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that has a picture of a section cut into a wall and, inside the section, is a complete telephone sitting there and the headline says that it is “A Billionth Part of the Bell Telephone Network”. The text explains that “That’s just about what one telephone is. Even more surprising is the number of communications products needed behind the phones you see and use. Underground, thousands of miles of telephone cable. Crossing far-flung mountain ranges, complex microwave systems. And in thousands of telephone central offices, untold miles of wire, millions of switches, transistors, relays and related equipment made by Western Electric – all this so you can reach any of the 65 million other Bell telephones across the land. To help today’s communications demands, Western Electric manufactures a wide variety of these precision products to meet strict Bell System standards. And makes them in the quantity needed at low cost. These communications products must be made to work compatibly and function faultlessly, each with each, as one dependable, integrated network. This takes teamwork. These parts must and do work together just as Western Electric works together with the Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Bell Telephone companies to bring you the best and the most telephone service anywhere in the world. We work best because we work together”.

Source: November 23, 1962 Life magazine.