Webcor Ad 1957


Webcor Ad from March 18, 1957 Life magazine.

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Webcor Ad 1957Three color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their High Fidelity Tape Recorders. Against a green background is a picture of one couple, arm in arm, being shown how one of these units work and the headline says “Listen, everyone’s an ‘entertainer’ where there’s a Webcor High Fidelity Tape Recorder”. The text gives the readers a few ideas, a few reasons to add a Webcor Tape Recorder to the items they should shop for. The ad shows and describes three of the units available at this time. These include The Imperial ($289.95 or $329.95 with a radio), The Viscount ($149.95) or The Educator ($204.50 or $244.50 with a radio). This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  March 18, 1957 Life magazine.