Volkswagen Bug Ad October 1962


Volkswagen Bug Ad from October 19, 1962 Life magazine.

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VW Bug – Black and white 20″ x 13″ Two-Page ad for the fact that VW Bugs really retain their resale value. The ad has a photo from the front of a brand new VW Bug, mentions the price of $1595 and has a headline of “Cheap new”. Then it has a photo of a used VW Bug, talks about how reliable and long lasting these cars are and the photo has a caption of “Expensive used”. The text talks about how little these cars depreciate and how, in five years, other cars will have changed their style but a VW will still look the same making it difficult for anyone else to know just what year car you are driving.  These are two scanned views of a two-page ad. The actual top and outside of the pages are not visible in the scanned view so that the center, where the pages meet, can be completely seen.

Source:  October 19, 1962 Life magazine.

Volkswagen Bug Ad October 1962Volkswagen Bug Ad October 1962 1