Volkswagen Bug Ad April 1964


Volkswagen Bug Ad from April 17, 1964 Life magazine & April 7, 1964 Look magazine.

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Volkswagen Bug Ad April 1964VW Bug – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad showing how not to advertise. Ad shows a basic blue VW Bug covered with advertising banners and the ad headline simply says “Ugh”. The stickers and banners say “Heap big trading bee!”, “Save-um!” and “Come in for pow-wow! Save plenty wampum!”. The text in the ad laments that “This is an awful picture of a Volkswagen. It’s just not us. We don’t go in much for trading bees or sales jamborees or assorted powwows. Maybe it’s because we don’t quite understand the system. We’ve never figured out why they run clearance sales on brand new cars. If there are cars left over every year, why make so many in the first place? And how come the price goes down even though the cars are still brand new? How does the poor guy who bought one last week feel about this week’s prices? How can a dealer keep enough parts on hand when they all keep changing? How can a mechanic keep track of what he is doing? It’s all very confusing. Either we’re way behind the times. Or way ahead”.

Source:  April 17, 1964 Life magazine & April 7, 1964 Look magazine.