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Thom McAn Ad 1954


Thom McAn Ad from May 10, 1954 Life magazine.


Thom McAn Ad 1954Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad for Thom McAn’s Shoes. This ad has a photo of a man tying his shoe, a brown shoe with white soles and the ad headline claims that “The number is 6548”. The ad then says that “The style number of this Thom McAn shoe, that is. We’re getting a lot of calls for this one. Technically we call it a two-eyelet, foam-crepe sole style, which is like calling the Taj Mahal a nice white building. You’ve got to see this shoe to appreciate it. Come on down and flex that soft, pliable upper leather, bounce a couple of bounces on that foam crepe sole, Here’s comfort, here’s style, here’s quality – the famous Thom McAn combination. You’ll find it in our business brogues, our classic styles, our younger man’s shoes. You’ll find it in all 150 of our styles, in every one of our 611 stores. It’s what makes Thom McAn such a good shoe…in fact, so good, it’s the best-selling shoe in all America. $7.95.

Source:  May 10, 1954 Life magazine.