Swans Down Ad 1937


Swans Down Ad from April 1937 Good Housekeeping.

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Swans Down Ad 1937Full color 7 3/4″ x 11″ ad for their Cake Flour. This ad has a eight-frame cartoon about how using Swans Down Cake Flour to make an Angel Food cake and win the contest at a church bazaar also helped make a wedding possible. The story starts with an elderly lady angrily telling a young man “I won’t leave you a cent of my money if you marry that Flibberty-Jibbet!” He tries to reason with her and she throws down the gauntlet by mentioning the church bazaar and taunting that his young lady “can’t even boil water”. We next see his young lady blowing her nose as she worries to a “Mrs. Oliver” admitting that due to her lack of cooking talents, she is “sunk”. Mrs. Oliver takes charge and says “Get me to the grocers and keep still”. As they drive she explains that “ordinary flour is all right for bread but it takes the finest flour to make elegant angel food”. She then explains that Swans Down Cake Flour is 27 times finer than ordinary flour” and the next to last frame shows the First Prize being awarded to this cooking “greenie” and the elderly lady, now smiling, congratulate her and say “I’ve got a big wedding check for you”. The last frame shows the happy couple with the woman claiming that making a good cake with Swans Down is a Snap. This ad also contains recipes for Strawberry IcingOrange Icing and Apricot Icing.

Source:  April 1937 Good Housekeeping.