Suzuki Motorcycle Ad August 1966


Suzuki Motorcycle Ad from August 1966 Playboy magazine.

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Suzuki Motorcycle Ad August 1966Suzuki – Full color 8″ x 11″ ad that is devoted to the “Solo Suzuki and pictured is the number of females that can be attracted to someone who rides one. The ad headline says that having a bike such as this will give you a “Quick pick-up”. They claim that the Suzuki spirit will just naturally pick up everyone else. They talk about their engine, a 2-cycle as opposed to a 4-cycle, providing more usable horsepower than a 4-stroke and the new Posi-Force lubing ends oil-gas mix-ups. They say that Suzuki is quieter and has more riding comfort and their warranty is a 12 month, 12,000. That, according to them, is 9,000 better than anyone else.

Source:  August 1966 Playboy magazine.