Studebaker Ad January 1960


Studebaker Ad from January 11, 1960 Life magazine.

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Studebaker Lark 2-Door – Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad that shows how a young couple can make the best out of their 1960 Blue Studebaker 2-Door Hardtop as they ferry it across a river. We see the couple standing on the raft as they talk to the man who is driving it across the water. The car is parked there very peacefully, the only car on the trip. The headline says that the “2-Door Gem trims expense. Looks like a million, makes good sense”. It then says that it is a “Happy “find” for salesmen, young folks, fleet owners, budgeteers and two-car families. Smart as a silk purse, sturdy as trussed steel, money-saving as a miser. Cuts maintenance, mileage, insurance and repairs. Provides light-touch maneuver agility in traffic, parks in pocket-sized places, delivers tireless all=day driving across country. Fleet owners report: a practical, powerful performer, an economy whiz, a great showpiece for salesmen. Family owners say: the most sensible, spirited, smart car buy in years. If money matters, here’s the most for the least – at your Studebaker Dealer’s. See all six stunning styles, proven by 750 million miles of owner use”.

Source:  January 11, 1960 Life magazine.