Studebaker Ad August 1951


Studebaker Ad from August 20, 1951 Life magazine.

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Studebaker Ad August 1951Studebaker Commander Two-Door – Full color 9 1/4″ x 13″ ad has a picture of a Blue Two-Door that has stopped in front of a hacienda-style building with a red roof and flowers growing up the height of the walls. Everybody that is on the sidewalk has stopped what they are doing so that they can get a good look at this car that is being driven by a very happy man. The ad headline calls this car a “New driving thrill! 120-horsepower wonder car! Spectacular Studebaker Commander V-8. The ad writers must have gotten a bonus for each adjective because the car is called “A jet-streamed powerhouse on wheels! New-type high efficiency valve-in-head V-8 engine! Sensational acceleration! Exceptional thrift! A stand-out in quality! A bargain buy!”

Source:  August 20, 1951 Life magazine.