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Stearns Ad 1922


Stearns Ad from August 1, 1922 Vogue.


Stearns Ad 19221922 Stearns Sleeve Valve Motor Car – Black and white 9″ x 12″ ad that does not show any of their cars but has the information about “Why this is the first Stearns advertisement in three years”. The ad explains that their 4-cylinder cars were so well known that advertising was not necessary but now that they have released a 6-cylinder Sleeve-Valve Engine, well, a little bit of advertisement couldn’t hurt. They claim that this “is the first engine, in all the history of motor car construction, to operate entirely free from periodic vibration”. The ad lists the models available and gives the prices such as the Roadster, 4 or 5 Passenger Touring for $2700, the 7 Passenger Touring for $2850, the Coupe for $3350, the Coupe Brougham for $3500 and the Sedan for $3700. The ad contains a footnote to Dealers that, due to an increase in production facilities, more cars will now be available. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  August 1, 1922 Vogue.