Royal Ad 1964


Royal Ad from November 6, 1964 Life magazine.

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Royal Ad 1964Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the Royal Electress Typewriter. This ad starts off with the headline saying “The Royal Touch” and then goes on adding “For offices, it means the most easy-going, self-reliant, sweet-typing, pace-setting, money-saving, sumptuous-looking, typist-indulging electric typewriter ever built”. Next, there is a picture of this amazing thing with a caption saying that it has “Every feature that top executives’ secretaries want – and then some”. Below this are three pictures of ladies, presumably secretaries, who are looking very happy and very at ease. Then comes the text: “The Royal Electress. You can take the light and easy Royal Touch for granted. Because we don’t. Before a Royal Electress leaves us, every part and every action is tested, checked…then checked again. The key dip has rhythm. Permanent rhythm. The Magic Monitor Control works like a charm. Type lines up neat and sweet. The Royal Touch is what every manufacturer of electrics strives for. Only the Royal Electress has it”.

Source:  November 6, 1964 Life magazine.