Robin Hood Ad 1959 August


Robin Hood Ad from August 31, 1959 Life magazine.

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Robin Hood Ad 1959 AugustFull color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Robin Hood Shoes For Children. The ad starts off by claiming that Robin Hood shoes fit…fit…and fit and here’s how your Robin Hood retailer makes sure your child gets all the benefits of this quality shoe”. It then has four pictures that show how your child is properly measured and fitted, and it seems they have a minature Robin Hood available to help them. 1. Careful measurement is taken of both feet. Longest length and widest width determine the shoe size”. Then, we have 2. Toes have plenty of room to move around. Shoe is fitted to allow ample toe room”. Next, we have 3. Ball of foot is fitted to widest measurement of shoe”. Lastly, we have 4. Heel is fitted for a firm grip at top and bottom”. The ad then tells us that “Your Robin Hood retailer carries this unusually large range of sizes and widths to assure you of the exact fit your child should have” and, below this, it claims that the prices ranged from $4.99 to $7.99 with prices higher from Denver and west.

Source:  August 31, 1959 Life magazine.