Rheem Water Heater Ad 1948


Rheem Water Heater Ad from June 14, 1948 Life magazine.

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Rheem Water Heater Ad 1948Black and white 10″ x 14″ ad for their Automatic Water Heater. There is a picture of a father and his young son relaxing in their basement game room which is comfortably filled with a ping-pong table, chairs and…a Rheem Water Heater. The headline, directed toward the woman of the house, starts “How to sell the man in your house More Hot Water” and the text gives her the facts that she can use to convince him to buy a Rheem. The text tells you “How to Stay in Hot Water”, that you can “Set the Dial and Settle Back”, it will be safe to “Go By the Guarantees” and if you buy one and have it installed you will have a “Dream House” just like the 100 around the country. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  June 14, 1948 Life magazine.