Prudential Ad 1944 May


Prudential Ad from May 8, 1944 Life magazine.

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Prudential Ad 1944 MayBlack and white 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad that is for the Prudential Insurance Company of America. This ad is dedicated to nurses and the benefit they are giving to America during this time of war. There is a picture of a Armed Services Nurse standing proudly in the picture at the bottom of the page and the ad headline calls her “The girl who is pledged to Humanity”. The quote that is given in this ad says that “I know that on every battlefield some women – such as I shall try to be – is helping to save the lives of American soldiers, perhaps the life of my own brother, perhaps your sweetheart. Nurses are needed everywhere, and so I am going to be a nurse…training here at home…with later a free choice of how I shall serve. I am going to help people get well, and someday I am going to be a better wife and mother, too, because of this training in the proud profession of nursing which the government will give me”. Very good and awe-inspiring. “Yes, nurses are needed – here at home in civilian hospitals and clinics as well as military. To train them, your government, through the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, offers to intelligent young women a professional education free…with smart sweet uniforms…a monthly allowance while learning…preparation for a wide choice of interesting work such as nursing executive, public health nurse, child health specialist, or anesthetist. And in any essential nursing job, you will be serving your country as well as yourself. If you are a high school graduate, between 17 and 35, with a good scholastic record, and in good health, get further information now at the nearest hospital or write U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps”.

Source:  May 8, 1944 Life magazine.