Post Ad November 1956


Post Ad from November 12, 1956 Life magazine.

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Post Ad November 1956Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Postum No Coffee Drink. The ad shows a living room where a family of five is gathered around their 10″ television with the rabbit ears watching an evening show. The two parents are laughing uproariously while the two young girls and the son watch with sober looks on their faces. They all have a cup in front of them and the headline has one of them stating “Let’s have another cup of Postum…it’s an hour show!”. The text talks about the special flavor and the “grain-rich, slow-roasted flavor” and then assures you that it’s 100% caffeine-free making it the perfect snack for just before bed. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  November 12, 1956 Life magazine.