Pontiac Grand Prix Ad April 1963


Pontiac Grand Prix Ad from April 5, 1963 Life magazine.

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Pontiac Grand Prix Ad April 1963Pontiac Grand Prix – Full color 10″ x 14″ ad for the car that draws a crowd. The ad has a picture of a Green Two-Door Grand Prix that has parked next to a river channel under a row of trees. The couple that has driven the car to this deserted setting is watching a barge go by while the headline is warning “It may be some time before you can see this car without a lot of people crowded around it – so be our guest”. The ad also has a good drawing of this car from the side. The writers of the ad urge you not to buy this car just because of how nice it looks and they go on to tell you what is under this body, talking about the engine, interior and the brakes.

Source:  April 5, 1963 Life magazine.