Philco Ad 1962


Philco Ad from October 19, 1962 Life magazine.

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Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Philco Stereo Systems. Pictured in this ad is a living room with a very different-looking wall with unusual-looking, I don’t know, weapons hanging on them with a Philco Stereophonic High-Fidelity Model 1731-MB With Built-In FM Stereo Radio in it and, the ad claims that, this “New Philco Stereo, with built-in FM stereo radio, brings you a Diamond Needle that can’t damage your records”. The ad then tells you, “Don’t shudder if the tone arm of this Philco stereo is accidentaly dropped or s-c-r-a-p-e-d across your most precious record. No harm done! The amazing Floating Diamond Needle actually ‘floats’ up into the Scratch Guard Tone Arm, preventing record damage! And this unique tone arm even plays warped records without mistracking! Another Philco exclusive – Background Listening Control – preserves musical highs and lows when you turn down the volume. Lets you enjoy true high fidelity even at the lowest sound levels. ‘Second-Room Stereo’ speaker system available with every 1963 Philco. And, of course, you can enjoy all the new FM stereo radio broadcasts, too. For all the latest features and the finest in sound, see Philco Stereo for 1963.

Source:  October 19, 1962 Life magazine.