Pepsi Ad March 1962


Pepsi Ad from March 9, 1962 Life magazine.

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Pepsi Ad March 1962Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad with another photo of a young man and a young woman together and smiling. The woman is holding a glass of a brown liquid and, just so there is no question about it. the man is there holding up, with the label facing the reader, a bottle of Pepsi. The headline of the ad says that “Now it’s Pepsi – for those who think young”. The small print in the ad claims that “You see the change – today people are putting more into their leisure, finding more ways to enjoy life. This is thinking young. And this is the life for Pepsi – light, bracing, clean-tasting Pepsi. Think young. Say “Pepsi, please”.

Source:  March 9, 1962 Life magazine.