Pepsi Ad June 1959


Pepsi Ad from June 21, 1959 Life magazine.

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Pepsi Ad June 1959Full color 10″ x 14″ ad that, again, has a man and a woman in the ad. In this one though, there is a drawing of them, not a photograph. In this ad they are on a porch and the woman is reclining on a chaise lounge while the man is kneeling over her. The woman is smiling with her hands folded as the man is talking intently to her. Sitting on the table next to the lounge is two bottles of Pepsi, partially emptied, and two glasses with ice filled up with Pepsi. The headline says that they are “So Up-To-Date, So Smart” and the ad continues with the reminder that “Everywhere in America today’s moderns are giving a new light look to all their surroundings. And their trim, youthful-looking figures are part of the same lovely pattern”.

Source:  June 21, 1959 Life magazine.