Palm Beach Men’s Clothing Ad 1955


Palm Beach Men’s Clothing Ad from May 9, 1955 Sports Illustrated.

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Palm Beach Men’s Clothing Ad 1955Full color 8″ x 11 1/2″ ad for their Sportswear. There is a picture of a man posing by the open passenger-side door af a convertible dressed in a casual-looking outfit with the caption asking “Where else could this new idea in Sportswear come from?”. The text explains that “It’s in the Palm Beach tradition to point the way smart men will dress” and claims that they will find the new styles and bring them to the average, home-bound American man. It mentions that the outfit on the young man in the picture is part of their Palm Beach Tailored Sportswear and contains the Resortweave Blazer while offering keyed colors on the shirts and slacks.

Source:  May 9, 1955 Sports Illustrated.