Oxydol Laundry Soap Ad 1943


Oxydol Laundry Soap Ad from September 1943 Good Housekeeping.

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Oxydol Laundry Soap Ad 1943Full color 4 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ wartime ad for their Laundry Soap which will provide you with its Hustle-Bubble Suds Wash. There is a picture of a very happy lady holding up a white sheet or tablecloth for you to see that it is “White Without Bleaching”. The headline says that “Today, More than ever you’ll appreciate Oxydol and one of the speaking bubbles in the ad claims that it is “Safe for Colors and Rayons, too”. The text mentions how many ways you will save when it was so important to save for the sake of the war effort. It explained that you would be able to save your clothes which were so hard to replace, how it helps eliminate long washer runs and each box is now able to wash more in the way of clothes or dishes. As with many of the ads during this time, the lower portion of the ad contained hints to avoid waste and this ad has a section to help you “Avoid Soap Waste”.

Source:  September 1943 Good Housekeeping.