Old Crow Bourbon Whiskey Ad May 1964


Old Crow Bourbon Whiskey Ad from May 1 & June 5, 1964 Life magazine.

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Old Crow Bourbon Whiskey Ad May 1964Full color 9 1/2″ x 12″ ad for their Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. The ad has a picture of a bottle of Old Crow lying sideways on a table. The bottle has a mast and a sail coming out of the neck of the bottle and there are two different mixed drinks standing on the wide portion of the bottle while a statue of the Old Crow stands on the cap or the bow of this ship. The ad headline assures us that “This is the bird that launched a thousand sips” and the text expands by saying “more like a thousand thousand” and names a few historical names in American history that have been drinkers of Old Crow.

Source:  May 1 & June 5, 1964 Life magazine.