Norge Refrigerator Ad 1951


Norge Refrigerator Ad from April 1951 Good Housekeeping.

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Norge Refrigerator Ad 1951Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their 1951 Jet Self-D-Froster. The headline makes the subdued claims that “It’s absolutely Out of this World…years ahead in time -and-money-saving advantages”. We see a picture of this amazing unit with the door open so that the neatly packed items are visible and to the left of this picture is a list of features and items to be aware of. At the bottom right-hand corner of this ad is an explanation of “The heart of your Norge which is the Power King Rollator. They describe it in a manner that sounds like it will never wear out, just get better the older it gets.

Source:  April 1951 Good Housekeeping.