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New Departure Bicycle Ad 1940


New Departure Bicycle Ad from May 13, 1940 Life magazine.

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New Departure Bicycle Ad 1940Three color 5 1/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the New Departure Coaster Brakes and Speed Changers for Bicycles. This ad starts off with the words “The Heart of the Bicycle New Departure Coaster Brake in the Rear Hub. Just below these words, there is a heart-shaped drawing with a Coaster Brake in the middle of it and then an arrow pointing down towards the rear brake on a bicycle being driven by a boy. The text then says that “It drives…and coasts…and brakes! And – operating from the foot pedals it does these jobs most dependably. Made of alloy steels, New Departure is the strongest and lightest brake. And it’s great braking power means smoother, quicker stops – without slip, grab or jolt. Sealed against dirt, it is certain in its driving and coasting and braking action always – hot or cold, wet or dry. Invented, pioneered, perfected by New Departure. Proved over the years by 12 million riders throughout the world. Compact, modern, expertly engineered…it has everything you want in a bicycle brake. The genuine costs no more! Insist that your bicycle have a New Departure coaster brake in the rear hub”. The bottom of the ad calls this the “Most Famous Name In Bicycling. Look for it on these New Departure Products. Single Speed Coaster Brake in the Rear Hub – The Heart of the Bicycle. 2-Speed Drive Coaster Brake – for quicker getaway, more speed on the level, easier hill climbing. ‘Speed Changers’ – for installation on your old bicycle to give you 2-speeds – high speed and low speed. Front Wheel Brake (in the front hub). Frictionless Ball Bearing Front Hubs…Trouser Guards. Coaster Brakes for Chain Drive Tricycles…Cyclometers”.

Source:  May 13, 1940 Life magazine.