Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad September 1965


Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad from September 10, 1965 Life magazine.

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Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad September 1965Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for how their free Family Security Check-Up will help you and your family succeed. The ad has a picture, taken from inside the room where the just-born babies are kept, where we see a nurse, smiling through her mask and a man in a dark suit and a mask holding up a graduation cap while a pair of happy parents are on the other side of the glass looking in, father holding a box of cigars ready to distribute. The headline asks “How come Metropolitan Life has your son wearing a cap and gown the day he’s born?” and the text explains that, for the Metropolitan Life representative, “part of his job is to live in the future”. The ad urges you to make a no-obligation phone call to Metropolitan so that you can do what is best for your family.

Source:  September 10, 1965 Life magazine.