Life Savers Candy Ad May 1944


Life Savers Candy Ad from May 29, 1944 Life magazine.

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Life Savers Candy Ad May 1944Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad for the Five Flavor Life Savers. In this ad we see a drawing of a couple of American soldiers on an island with palm trees and a native woman. The one soldier has his mouth open to receive an orange Life Saver as this lady is walking by with a platter full of fruits on her head. She is looking over her shoulder at the soldier as another soldier is coming up with a smile on his face and his rifle over his shoulder. The ad text says that “It’s no sale, Lady”. The text then says that “Maybe we should have called this one, “Picture of a Lady in a Business with no Future.” Because what soldier, no matter how much he likes fresh pineapples, oranges, limes and lemons, is going to knock himself silly carrying them over mountains and things…when he is getting the same flavors in a far handier form…delicious Five-Flavor Life Savers.

Source:  May 29, 1944 Life magazine.