Life Savers Candy Ad March 1953


Life Savers Candy Ad from March 16, 1953 Life magazine & March 28, 1953 Saturday Evening Post.

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Life Savers Candy Ad March 1953Full color 10″ x 13″ ad for Pep-o-Mint flavor and how it will help cover odors as well as taste good. It shows a rabbit munching on an onion freshly pulled from his garden as the headline urges you to “Know your onions.” The prose text tells us that “Shouts and claims can’t change – this fact. The most popular of all – breath fresheners are still – Pep-O-Mint Life Savers which were “Still only 5 cents.”

Source:  March 16, 1953 Life magazine & March 28, 1953 Saturday Evening Post.