Kodak V-Mail Ad 1942


Kodak V-Mail Ad from October 26, 1942 Life magazine.

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Kodak V-Mail Ad 1942Full color 9 1/2″ x 14″ ad for the V—Mail that Kodak created and is now used by several different countries to minimize the weight of the thousands of letters sent back and forth from families to soldiers. With this system letters are written and photographed on Kodak microfilm. The microfilm is then shipped, containing thousands of letters, to its general destination where it is changed back to a paper letter and delivered to the intended person. Kodak along with Pan American Airways and British Overseas Airways formed a company called Airgraphs, Ltd. and have developed the transportation part of the system. This system has reduced the weight of mail by about 100 times.

Source:  October 26, 1942 Life magazine.