Kodak Camera Film Ad 1966


Kodak Camera Film Ad from June 24, 1966 Life magazine.

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Kodak Camera Film Ad 1966Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad that is designed to let you know that “Curiosity comes out best on Kodak Film. The ad shows five different pictures, mostly of children doing inquisitive things, but one is of a mother looking outside of a window, probably at her child to make sure everything is OK. The ad text says that “The more your pictures mean to you, the more you’ll appreciate Kodak film. Roll after roll, Kodak film is dependable. Ask for Kodachrome film for color slides and movies, Kodacolor for snapshots. And be sure the name Kodak is on the box”.

Source:  June 24, 1966 Life magazine.