Kodak Camera Ad 1961 April


Kodak Camera Ad from April 7, 1961 Life magazine.

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Kodak Camera Ad 1961 AprilFull color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad for the Kodak Brownie Starmite Camera. The caption says it, “Picture it now – enjoy it again and again!” and the photo shows what they must be thinking. There is a little rowboat with two men in it, sitting on the lake, and the man in back is taking a picture of the man in front holding up two fish that have been caught as the man smiles proudly. The headline says that you should “Catch your fishing trip for keeps – in pictures” and the text goes into more detail. “Pity the poor fisherman. He’s hard put to prove his catch was more than imaginary. (Unless he takes pictures.) He can’t share the trip with his wife unless she goes along. (Or he brings back pictures.) And once the fishing’s done, the memories fade. (Unless he’s got the whole story in pictures.) Which is why every fisherman’s gear should include a camera and enough Kodak film. Today’s Kodak film is better than ever – gets excellent pictures in black-and-white or beautiful color. And today’s cameras by Kodak are easy to take along. The Brownie Starmite Camera is compact, has flash built-in, costs less than $12″.

Source:  April 7, 1961 Life magazine.