John Hancock – Mutual Life Insurance Company Ad 1941


John Hancock – Mutual Life Insurance Company Ad from April 28, 1941 Life magazine.

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John Hancock - Mutual Life Insurance Company Ad 1941Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that is for the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Pictured in this ad is the lower level of a closet with a couple pair of rubber overshoes and the ad headline says that this is “A practical approach to a practical problem”. It then says that “It is just common sense to own a pair of rubbers…and it is just common sense to own life insurance…both purchases are a sensible man’s practical approach to a practical problem. During fair weather your rubbers simply take up space in a closet. But when it rains they become important. They may merely save you the discomfort of wet feet – or they may prevent serious illness. Your life insurance, too, is something you seldom think about when all is well. Yet it can become indispensable in a crisis. Whether your dependents encounter the shower of a temporary financial difficulty or the storm which follows the loss of your active support, it stands ready to keep them safe from worry or want. Designed to see a family through the height of the storm following the death of husband and father is the John Hancock Readjustment Income Plan, which provides income in prearranged amounts to care for the extra needs of that critical period. It is a sensible and inexpensive provision against an unpredictable future. A booklet entitled, “A Talking Picture,” describes the plan in detail. We should like to mail you a copy”.

Source:  April 28, 1941 Life magazine.