Ivory Soap Ad 1911


Ivory Soap Ad from July 1911 Ladies Home Journal.

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Ivory Soap Ad 1911Black and white 9″ x 14 1/2″ ad that gives some of the more interesting uses that people came up with in The Ivory Soap Prize Contest. The ad has a picture of a bar of this soap on an ornate piece of metal and lists out some of the many suggestions received. The groups these were listed in were “In the Household”“In the Laundry”“Personal Uses”“On the Farm”“In the Sewing Room”“In the Nursery”“In Kitchen and Serving Pantry”“Articles of Wear”“Practical Uses” and “In the Garden”. The box in the center of the ad is labeled Ivory Soap and Water will not injure anything that Water, Alone, will not harm” and there are suggestions for helping you clean.

Source:  July 1911 Ladies Home Journal.