Ipana Ad 1937


Ipana Ad from May 17, 1937 Life magazine.

1 in stock


Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that identifies the need for Ipana Tooth Paste. We have a picture that shows a man wearing a suit, a baby’s hat and a somber expression on his face with the headline that says that he, and many others are, “Still in the Cradle Age about the modern care of teeth and gums”. The banner slapped on the picture of the man says that “Dental authorities stress gum massage as an important oral health routine”. The text then suggests that “Don’t neglect “Pink Tooth Brush”…Guard against becoming a “Dental Cripple”…Change to Ipana and Massage Today”. It then states that “Thousands of school children – even youngsters in the primary grades – are better informed than their parents about the proper care of teeth and gums. A surprising statement but really a moderate one – and easily explained. For, thanks to the splendid work of modern teachers, in many classrooms all over the country youngsters are being drilled in the importance of massage to sound teeth and healthy gums”. The ad then goes on and discusses the value of proper hygiene.

Source:  May 17, 1937 Life magazine.