Honda Motorcycle Ad August 1966


Honda Motorcycle Ad from August 1966 Playboy.

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Honda Motorcycle Ad August 1966Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for the fact that a Honda will fill almost every need, every function. The headline reminds us that “Some people have all the fun” and has a series of pictures of a formally dressed young couple and their Honda 65 having fun as they make their way to a formal gathering. It seems to have been a wedding because in the largest picture the woman is leaning on the gas tank holding what seems to be a bouquet. The text talks about how easily the Honda takes to formal events, my mother would have disagreed, and claims that “Everybody knows Honda is in a class by itself.” It mentions that prices start at $215 and that there were 14 models to choose from which they claim was the largest number in the business.

Source:  August 1966 Playboy.